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Losing Your Breath?

Let’s talk about breathing frens. Joseph Pilates focused on breathing, emphasizing exhalation completely to remove impure air from the lungs and facilitate a full, fresh new breath.

Nasal breathing has benefits like cleaner air due to filtration, optimal temperature for respiration, and improved autonomic nervous system functioning. In Pilates, Isometric Abs (Iso Abs), is a fundamental exercise focusing on engaging and strengthening the core muscles. Isometric exercises involve contracting the muscles without any movement in the joints. By holding a static position and engaging the core muscles for an extended period, Iso Abs helps improve core strength, endurance, and overall postural alignment.

Let's Learn Iso Abs:

  • Lie flat on your back. Create a diamond shape using your hands by joining your forefingers and thumbs. Position the diamond on your abdomen with your fingers extending towards your pubic bone.

  • Exhale deeply, engage, and lift the lowest, center, and highest parts of the diamond. Maintain stability in your pelvis without moving it. Inhale, expanding your breath into your ribs. Repeat this process.

Practicing Iso Abs regularly can contribute to better functional movement patterns, reduced risk of injury, and enhanced performance in other physical activities. It is often included in Pilates workouts as a key element for building a strong foundation of core strength, which is essential for maintaining a healthy and balanced body ✨

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